How to use Grasshopper to track your fleet on-time delivery performance

As Grasshopper is quickly becoming an essential part of a delivery terminal daily operation, we were constantly asked how can we provide a cleaner and simple visibility of the delivery teams on-time performance.

Given that using the Grasshopper Mobile app enable the delivery team do complete and handle every stop they do throughout the day, we decided to tap into this valuable data and provide a unified view on how a team is actually performing during the day, a week, month or more. In addition, you can track a contractor who’s running multiple teams and see how the contractor score overall. To view more details on how the on-time performance can be used, see the attached video below.

To learn more about Grasshopper, or join the Deliveright Network, feel free to contact us, we would love to tell you more how Grasshopper can improve your delivery operations.