In recent years, technology has become an increasingly critical component for logistics providers in the industry. A source stated, “The hottest innovations in logistics and supply chain technologies right now may not be the newest, but it’s the tech that continues to get sharpened and more sophisticated.” Grasshopper is an industry-leading logistics management system that offers technology solutions for shipping heavy goods to thousands of carriers. Whether you’re an LTL, FTL, or a final-mile network, here are four ways you can use Grasshopper to improve your revenue per truck.
Real-time tracking + Communication
Traditional TMS are often outdated to keep up with today’s fast paced logistics. With Liveview however, Grasshopper’s live map system, you can access a holistic view of all your trucks across the country- including specific hubs, products, order status, customer information, etc. with interactive tools to manage across different locations. Look out for time-frame delay alerts and issues before the day of delivery so you can forecast your routes and make any adjustments to optimize your delivery trips per truck. You can also customize your notifications in your account settings to inform you of every critical load movement and freight position- from receiving, item on hold, ETA change, etc. Make smart decisions with data-driven solutions at your fingertips.
WMS + Integrated End-to-End Visibility
Keep track of what’s coming in and out of your warehouse with Grasshopper’s General Inventory Management System (GIMS). From managing inventory stocks, appropriate shipping lanes, or assigning manifests, let your employees know and stay proactive with the business flow through Grasshopper’s mobile app. Keep your trucks busy with real-time visibility integrated into your operations- from automatic scheduling by customer to managing hubs, predicting traffic, and avoiding delivery mistakes with smart TMS that does the work for you. Spend less time counting and make more deliveries happen, with higher sales in your business revenue.
Vehicle Capacity Planning + Digital Documenting
Time is money in business. The customers are waiting for their products, and your delivery team is running on a tight schedule to finish all the deliveries for the day. With Grasshopper, you can maximize your vehicle capacity by combining shipments from different customers onto a single truck while keeping most other routes undisturbed. You can also manage all important delivery documents online through Grasshopper’s cloud, without having to make pen and paper arrangements. Need photo documents? Filing a claim? Proof of delivery? Settle payments? It’s only a few simple clicks away. Make business easier, quicker, and faster for your team and customers with digital documenting.
Business Analytics with Customized Views and Report
What’s a business without assessing its strengths and errors? Evaluate your current strategies and performance with Grasshopper’s 25+ reporting abilities from any part of your operations- warehouse, P&L, customer feedback, revenue, delivery fulfillment, etc. You can break down your data however you want- by quarter, region, customer, to analyze your performance from multiple angles and identify bottlenecks and highlights. You will no longer have to spend days crunching numbers with a platform that automatically does it for you. Expand your business network, save time and money, and grow your company’s revenue with smart data solutions.
About Grasshopper
Grasshopper Labs was founded with a single mission in place: to embed technology into the traditional industry’s delivery processes, and help customers discover the efficiencies a cutting-edge technology can provide in their business. Grasshopper is empowering hundreds of delivery terminals, retailers, and delivery networks that service thousands of customers every day, by providing them with an end-to-end enterprise delivery platform needed to help operate and grow their business