How to quickly build your upcoming routes using Manifest Planner

By using the Manifest Planner, users can easily and quickly plan their upcoming delivery routes using one consolidated view of all their trucks.

With the new 1-Click creation, user can now create a new truck, assign it to a region and make it available for upcoming orders in less than 2 seconds.

How you do it, very simple:

  • Click on the Manifest Planner icon, right next to the Home Delivery menu item on the left navigation bar.
  • The manifest planner will open up.
  • Select the sub-region you would like to work on and set up your upcoming manifests.
  • Click on the New link on the respective date that you would like to create the manifests for.
  • A new manifests will be automatically created for the day selected.
  • Repeat steps 4 and 5 for as many sub regions that you want to continue build your entire upcoming schedule.

To view a quick email on how to do it on Grasshopper, please see below:

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To learn more about Grasshopper, or join Deliveright Network, feel free to contact us, we would love to tell you more how Grasshopper can improve your delivery operations.